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Showing posts from March, 2020

English Vocabulary Enrichment

Friends, Due to lock down, you are at home. Stay at home.Don't go outside the homes. Though this is the most difficult time,we will overcome it by keeping ourselves inside our homes. In fact we can utilize this time most effectively and innovatively. Today we will revise few things related to vocabulary. The selection of words in the particular language is very important in speaking, writing, communicating any language in the world. English is no exception to the fact. When you want to write English accurately, speak comprehensively, you need  to use proper words in context. Therefore the basic of this language is really important. ✍️ Word Formation After adding suffixes and/ or prefixes to the root word, part of speech is changed. ----------------------------------------------- 📌Let us see: suffix - -ion, -tion, -ation,      -sion, -ment, , -ance/ -ence,      -age/ -ege 📌 _________________________________________ Sr no.     Verb ...

इयत्ता 8वी इतिहास ना. शास्त्र उजळणी

प्र 1 रिकाम्या जागी योग्य पर्याय लिहून विधाने पूर्ण करा.   1) संपूर्ण स्वातंत्र्याचा ठराव ......अधिवेशनात                   संमत झाला.        अ) कोलकाता        ☑️ब)  लाहोर        क)  अलाहाबाद  2)  दांडी येथे मिठाचा सत्याग्रह करण्यासाठी गांधीजींनी        साबरमती ते दांडी हे सुमारे........किमी अंतर               पदयात्रेने पूर्ण केले.        अ) 285        ☑️ब)  385        क) 485  3)  दांडी येथील समुद्रकिनाऱ्यावर मिठाचा कायदा              मोडून गांधीजींनी देशभर........चळवळ सुरू                केली.       अ) असहकार       ब) छोडो भारत       ☑️क) सविनय कायदेभंग  4)   वायव्य सरहद्द प्रांतात 'खुदा...

Comprehensive Reading - Unseen Passage 1

Read the passage carefully and do the activities. It is obvious from the visible garbage around us that solid wastes are not being managed properly.However, housing colonies are the most disorganized sector as far as the garbage is concerned.As a result,the legal garbage dumps are overflowing and the number of illegal dumps in the by lanes , parks and roadsides are  on the increase in the most colonies of Delhi and for that matter in all Indian cities. At present give per cent of Delhi's land mass is being choked by the garbage.This five percent has become a wasteland and it's utility is steadily declining and soil quality is deteriorating.Besides being eyesores, these garbage dumps pose health and environment hazard for the ten million people who live in Delhi. They are breeding grounds for the germs of infectious disease like plague, tuberculosis, dynasty, diarrhoea, eye infections and numerous skin ailments. Scientific management of garbage this is one of the most important ...


इयत्ता 8वी विषय - इतिहास प्रकरण -12वे स्वातंत्र्यप्राप्ती दुसरे महायुद्ध 1939 मध्ये सुरू झाले होते आणि ते 1945 मध्ये समाप्त झाले. याच कालावधीत भारतीय स्वातंत्र्य लढा ऐन जोमात होता. राष्ट्रीय सभेच्या प्रांतिक मंत्रीमंडळानी महात्माजींच्या सूचनेनुसार राजीनामे दिले होते. भारताच्या स्वातंत्र्याच्या मागणीचा जोर वाढू लागला होता. राष्ट्रीय सभेस व्यापक पाठिंबा समाजाच्या सर्व स्तरातून मिळत होता. ब्रिटिश राज्यकर्त्यांना याची जाणीव झाल्याने त्यांनी वेगवेगळे प्रस्ताव राष्ट्रीय सभेसमोर ठेवण्यास सुरुवात केली. स्वातंत्र्यासाठीच्या योजना भरातीयांसमोर मांडताना त्यांनी फोडा आणि राज्य करा  या नितीचा अवलंब केला. यामुळे स्वातंत्र्य दृष्टिपथात असताना देशाच्या विभाजनाची बीजे रुजविण्यात ब्रिटिश यशस्वी झाले. ते कसे? जून 1945 मध्ये भारताचे व्हॉईसरॉय लॉर्ड वेव्हेल यांनी एक योजना मांडली. वेव्हेल योजना या योजनेत खालील तरतुदी होत्या:- 1) केंद्रीय व प्रांतिक विधिमंडळात मुस्लिम, दलित व अल्पसंख्याकांना योग्य प्रतिनिधित्व देण्यात येईल. 2) व्हॉइसरॉयच्या कार्यकारी मंडळात हिंदू व मुस्लिम सदस्यांची संख्या समान राहील. भा...

Comprehensive Reading Skill

Read the passage carefully and do the activities. In the Gond style of art, we see that the outlines may vary a little from artist to artist but the designs that fill it make the whole picture look lively and attractive.The designs include simple textures achieved using dots,straight lines,dotted lines,curvy shapes and circles.Special attention is given to the choice of  various colours so that the total effect is amazing and beautiful. In today's age of commercialisation many men have taken up Gond art.But the roots of folk arts probably lie in woman's daily chores like cleaning and decorating the house,dealing with natural colours in the course of cooking and in their leisure time activities. A1) Read the sentences and write                       whether True or False.  i) The Gond art style is the same among         all artists. Ans. False  ii) The Gond art designs include complex...

English Grammar

Do as directed. 1) The tents had been burnt.      ( Rewrite beginning with They...) Ans. They had burnt the tents. 2) As soon as they were hidden by an               island,they had lowered their sails and       dropped anchors.      (Rewrite beginning with No sooner....) Ans. No sooner were they hidden by an              island than they had lowered their              sails dropped anchors. 3) Menelaus forgave her and she went             back with him..      (Choose the correct type of above                sentence from the following options)  i) Simple sentence  ii) Compound sentence iii) Complex sentence Ans. Compound sentence. 4) The young man did as he was told.       (Underline and name the subordinate  ...

Learn English Part:3

Friends,  Today I am sharing with you another picture.It is also newspaper cutting.As usual, observe it carefully. Think  on it. List  as many words as you can in context of it. Activity 5(contextual vocabulary) List the words related to above images. 1) Example - drought 2) scarcity of water 3) tribal woman 4) water pots 5) villagers 6) a well 7) fetching water 8) summer 9) rush of villagers 10) buckets with ropes 11) monsoon 12) rainwater 13) paddy saplings 14) paddy plantation 15) paddy farm 16) women farm workers 17) farmer 18) Bullocks / oxen 19) traditional rain coats Activity: 6  Now write two paragraphs based on the pictures.You can add your points in context.Give it a suitable title. Harsh Summer and Soothing Monsoon The first two pictures represent harsh summer. In this season, we experience scarcity of water. In tribal and rural part of our state, where there is no any facility of drinking water, people suffer a lot. The...

Learn English Part :2

Dear friends, Today I am sharing another news paper cutting. Observe it very carefully. Discuss with your parents.And write a paragraph with the help of the shared pictures in the newspaper cutting. You can write first in Marathi and then in English separately.You can respond in comment box. Activity 2 Observe the above images and list as many words as you can in context. 1) oxen 2) bullock-carts 3) children from sugar cane labourers'             families 4) girl taking care of baby sibling 5) a child with bike tyre 6) innocently smiling girl 7) a woman making/roasting bhakari 8) a woman talking to a child 9) sugarcane fodder 10) vineyard 11) sugarcane farm 12) wooden toy used as a car Activity 3 Write a paragraph based on the shared picture.You can add your experiences in this context.Give it a suitable title.              ________________________ Family life of sugarcane labourer Sugarcane harvest labour...

Learn English

Dear friends, Since the declaration of Lock Down, we all have been inside the homes. My humble request is our learning process must not be discontinued. Therefore I share with you some activities testing and improving English language skills. Activity 1: Observe the picture carefully and list as many words as can that you see in it. 1)Example - pilgrimage 2) pilgrims 3) river 4) monument 5) temples 6) hawkers 7) buildings 8) bridge 9) reflection 10) lake 11) ghat (steps leading down to the river            or lake) 12) trees Observe again, think and write a paragraph with the help of the picture given above.   Nashik - City of Pilgrimage Nashik is known as the city of pilgrimage since the Ramayan period.The picture shows the Ramkund  at the Godavari ghat in Panchavati.It's so beautiful scene.The water in the Gandhi lake is stagnant.The reverside temples,buildings,trees, bridge over the Godavari river and other objects including devotee...

English (Language Study)

Q.1 (A) Do as directed. (Attempt any                  four).    (1) Complete the following words by                  using correct letters.      1. funnels      2. verify      3. curtain      4. breath   (2)  Put the following words in                             alphabetical order.     a) poor, mills, trumpets, chairs Ans. chairs, mills, poor, trumpets     b) strong, strategy, steroid, strength Ans. steroid, strategy, strength, strong  (3)  Punctuate the following    a)  school is dismissed   you may go Ans. "School is dismissed - you may go."    b)  i shall be king of naples one day                   ferdinand said to miranda ...

English Fun Fair

It was much awaited moment for the students in Navrachana Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Nashik.We all were ver much eager to organise this event. On 5th March,2020 we could do it. 150 students presented their English fun activities very confidently and enthusiastically. Some students presented their models/ activities individually but most of the students presented in pairs and groups. We could collaborate them.Students can think innovatively, use their own ideas and strategies in presentation.Every individual presenter,pair or group was told to make the activity interactive and bring it in fun game mode. All the participants could succeed to do that. When we visited their fun game stalls we ensured it that they were appealing the visitors to play the game. There were variations in activities and game strategies also. Some students preferred vocabulary activities some  chose speaking models, some grammar activities, some activities were related to day to day life. Some groups had designed q...