Read the passage carefully and do the following activities.
A1. Write whether the following statements are true or false.
i. Pipalnagar Bank had enough cash
for the withdrawal by the customers.
ii. The bank supplied emergency funds
to another bank on some thirty miles distance.
iii. Mischief makers joining the crowd
in front of the bank, hadn't their
accounts in the bank.
iv. The aggravated crowd turned down
the Manager's urge to return to the
bank the next day.
A2. Why was the bank Manager in a dilemma?
A3. Write four examples of Compound
Nouns from the passage.
A4. Do as directed.
i. They did not like the sound of that.
( Make it Affirmative without
changing it's meaning.)
ii. They gathered outside, on the steps of the bank shouting, ' Give
us our money or we'll break in!'
( Choose the correct indirect narration of the above sentence.)
1. Gathering outside, on the steps of the bank they ordered (demanded) to give us our money or we will break in.
2. Gathering outside, on the steps
of the bank they said that give them their money or they would break in.
3. Gathering outside, on the steps of the bank they ordered (demanded) to give them their money or they would break in.
A5. What would you do if we're in place of the bank manager to
face such aggravated crowd?
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