Monday 25 May, 2020
Punctuate the following sentences.
Unit ~ 1
1. i became deeply absorbed in the book
2. but i still fondly remember that encounter of special kind
3. champions arent made in gyms
4. if we dont put anything in we cant get anything out
5. ga ga ga he cried begging her to bring
him some food
Unit~ 2
1. i dont wish to talk about it
complained the sweeper boy
2. where did you disappear cried
mrs bhushan
3. we want it now chanted some
of the crowd
4. hows that said nathu
5. who would have thought
the bank would collapse
6. his book a brief history of time
is one of the selling books of our times
7. in what ways is swami a typical boy in his growing years
8. the world heritage committee meets once a year to review these recommendations
9. gaskins invented powerpoint
Unit ~ 3
1. meena is a good friend of mine
2. i said meena shwetha is a very
beautiful girl isnt she
3. lets go and have tea atleast she insisted
4. we won't get a taxi in this rain
i grumbled
5. She smiled a beggar changed my life
6. did you give any gurudakshina to your
guru i asked
7. the holy quran says kill not your children because of poverty
8. he asked me what is my fault
9. he asked the bird what are you doing
10. friends we live in an age of rapid globalization
11. he said sir I have never thought
about it
12. Friends i want to see and feel
this today inside you
13. Let us march
14. when I do it leaves me in
complete awe
15. clouds take new shapes with
every passing moment
16. email stands for electronic mail
Unit ~ 4
1. ramlal was worried about bholi
2. at last his wife said I will tell you
what to do
3. ramlal said come with me i
will take you to school
4. didnt i tell you now take this book
5. yes but i wonder what bholi will say
6. may be you are right muttered ramlal
7. be a little considerate please
8. yes I think some of the decisions
were unfortunate
9. whats your opinion on future of indian
10. is this true about monsieur
de poulengey
11. she replied i am working for
science radium belongs to the people not to me
Purushottam Thoke
9822582419/ 9423971121
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