Add question tag.
1. He used the small broom hurriedly and
and carelessly.
2. He had a bundle of freshly pressed clothes.
3. I don't wish to talk about it.
4. I haven't even received my regular pay.
5. Mrs Srivastava had to do some shopping.
6. The elderly gentleman did not believe it.
7. The news spread through the bazzar
with the rapidity of forest fire.
8. Give us our money.
9 . Mrs Bhushan was fanning herself
with a large handkerchief.
10. The Seth was not at home.
1. He used the small broom hurriedly and carelessly, didn't he?
*2. He had a bundle of freshly pressed clothes, didn't he?
( The above sentence is considered in simple past tense. Because had in this sentence functions as base verb.)
3. I don't wish to talk about it, do I?
4. I haven't even received my regular
pay, have I?
*5. Mrs Srivastava had to do some shopping, didn't she?
(Again as example no. 2)
6. The elderly gentleman did not believe it, did he?
7. The news spread through the bazzar
with the rapidity of forest fire, didn't it?
8. Give us our money, will you?
(Imparative sentence)
9. Mrs Bhushan was fanning herself with
a large handkerchief, wasn't she?
10. The Seth was not at home, was he?
In case of any doubt, call Purushottam Thoke on 9423971121
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